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Nichols Family Chiropractic!

Creating a healthy Cincinnati, one person at a time

The office of Dr. Michael and Dr. Julie Nichols
4027 Allston Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
In Oakley, right off the square


Chiropractic is unique and special in it’s own way. Nothing else that you do replaces regular Chiropractic Care. For many, Chiropractic is their “Secret Weapon to a Healthy Life!” Of course we still love other healing modalities like acupuncture, massage, pt, meditation, yoga, vitamins, cleanses, green smoothies, walks, and anything else you do to be happy, healthy, and well! Network Chiropractic, also called Network Spinal Analysis, is the gentle technique we use and it involves no twisting, cracking, or manipulation at all, only gentle contacts.

Take a look around, we'd love to help you live your healthiest life!


Office Hours by appointment

You can check the online scheduler for exact times available.
The online scheduling link is at the bottom of this page, in the link tree.


What our Clients are Saying

Network chiropractic has helped me tremendously on both a physical and emotional level.  By guiding me to reconnect to my own body, the entrainments are helping me to heal the pain of the post traumatic stress syndrome I have suffered with throughout my life.  It is very surprising and wonderful.  Physically my muscles are more relaxed.  Emotionally, my anxiety has decreased dramatically.  I am astonished at the changes I have experienced. ~D

I’m more aware of my breathing patterns. Overall life quality is affected too by my being a client. Experience their warm, caring family and passion they have for their work. I can guarantee your whole life will improve. ~  K

Since getting under care, my chronic back pain has subsided and the severe pain has pretty much disappeared.  Beyond the back pain, I have noticed that my energy and strength levels are higher.  The headaches that I used to have are now less frequent and I am sleeping better. ~ P


Nichols Family Chiropractic
4027 Allston Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
-scheduling, supplement ordering, social media and more